Do you feel crystal clear about
your life goals and purpose?

Take this quick self-assessment to see if you’re aligned with the
of your HUMAN DESIGN or if you’re aligned with the

One brings flow and the other brings frustration. 

Download the Clarity Visualization Session + Personalized Roadmap to help you get really clear on what you’d like to create or transform over the next
12 months – and how to create it in alignment with your unique Human Design! 

Most people in the world are not in need of a diagnosis, or analysis, they are in need of understanding their own unique energetic make-up.

Align Your Design is about letting go of who you think you need to be, or how you think you’re supposed to work, live, and relate with others. It’s about going beyond the status quo and setting your own standards for success based upon who you are designed to be as a unique individual…not how you fit the mold.


The irony is that when you see the beauty and power in your uniqueness, you also see how you fit into and contribute to the whole, seamlessly.


And, when an organization understands the inherent strengths and challenges of its leadership and employees, well the sky’s the limit on increased efficiency, commitment, productivity, and satisfaction.


I know because I’ve seen it for myself and my clients – whether they are solo-preneurs or CEOs. Teams or partnerships. Alignment with one’s design changes everything.


You are designed for success. In your own unique way. On your own terms.


Do you know what that looks like?


Let me show you.

Your Unique
Design at Work

Your Unique
Design in Life

The Art of Human Design is a SYNTHESIS! It is a context of how the individual interacts with others as well as how they are uniquely designed to process thoughts, emotions, energy, and their own internal private experience, not just the list of functions (centers), strengths (channels), traits (gates), Type, Authority, Strategy, etc…

And no two designs are alike. None. So even though we can speak to some of the technical aspects of a person’s Design, and maybe even generalize it to the whole of humanity, the fact is, there is much more going on here.

There is great energy and Spirit (ART) moving in and through Human Design.

If you’re feeling at ALL limited by your Design, remember this: You are here to be successful, profitable, fulfilled, and on purpose THROUGH your Design, not in spite of it.

And if you’re not inspired by your Design, then we should talk.

If you’d like a Synthesis of your Design, check this out.

(Not sure what Human Design is? Click HERE.)

“Kris is a beautiful combination of powerful seer, kind counselor and well-trained, well-experienced business woman. She will help you harness your own innate, energetic design and spiritual partner toward making building your business easier, faster and more fun. She helps you see clearly how to do create new business, new relationships, new programs in ways that leverage who you are and how you are designed.”

– Mary Jaensch, Chief Design Officer, Last Big Gig

“Here’s what I tell people who are considering working with Kris… I don’t know anyone who better understands both the heart and the “science” of a person. She quickly sees and describes how you are designed and what things likely come easily or are a struggle for you. Where you soar and where you are dog-paddling along. She also tunes in to her intuition to fill in the finer points.

Working with Kris is a fascinating, validating, inspiring process. You’ll end up nodding your head, “Yes, that is me!” and also not quite believing the level of pin-pointed specificity she is giving you is even possible.

Talk with her if you feel foggy, at a crossroads, have specific business questions, or have tapped out all the items on your To-Do list and aren’t getting the results in your life you know you could be getting.”

– Madeleine Eno, In the Write Place

“I was both blessed and cursed to see Tony Robbins speak a few years back. Blessed because it was him, cursed because no speaker ever came close to him…until today. Thanks, Kris, you really explained mindset in a holistic and unique way, I’ve heard a lot of motivational speakers, and your presentation was really different, thank you…”
“I was a bit conflicted about the direction of my new business. I saw results immediately. My gut instinct was validated before the call was over.

I’ve got clarity about the direction I need to take my company.  I’ve got a plan now. If you’re thinking about working with Kris I can say this: by knowing how you are “hard wired” and understanding your basic human design, things become clearer and make more sense.”

– Linda Damm

“Kris can’t be put in a box. She wears so many hats and has so many ideas. If you have been feeling like things could be going better at home, at the office, or with a new business idea, she really is the one you should be chatting with.”

– CS, Bend, OR

“Working with Kris is a game changer. After just one 30 minute call I made a couple of tweaks to my marketing and connection strategies that were more in alignment with my design and, not only did business suddenly become fun and inspiring again, I also started discovering and signing clients with ease. Based on one simple shift we talked about, I made more money in one week than I had over the past two months!”

– Kate Marolt