It's time for a REVOLUTION!

An Energy Revolution…and it starts with 

YOU & I – the Generator/Builder Types.

            As a Builder, you’ve likely experienced:


• Spinning your wheels

• Rushing into action without knowing what the next step is (or ignoring your gut)

• Waiting and wondering if you’re ever going to get clarity on what’s next for you

• Lack of confidence about what to say yes to and what to say no to

• Wishing you were like the Manifestor Type (because it sounds so much more interesting and easy to ‘manifest’ what you want

All of these contribute to and create frustration


     The key is to master these three things:

             Manage your energy (both what you put out AND what you receive) 

         Trust your gut (this goes beyond “just trusting” – you gotta get the mechanics of it too!)

Know where your energy leaks are (and how to quickly stop them)


• Begin to experience DEEP SATISFACTION

• MARKET yourself in a way that connects and converts because you’re

• STOP creating what you think you should create, and start creating what you are
CALLED to create

• Have deeper, RICHER RELATIONSHIPS with clear, energetic boundaries

• Power-up the NATURAL ATTRACTION AURA that already lives inside you

• Know WHAT your next steps are, and WHEN to take them


    In the Aligned Sacral Mastermind, you are going to master the three keys of your Builder genius.

     …And experience deep satisfaction while
    making $$$ doing what you love, and loving what you do. 

    How does the

    Aligned Sacral Mastermind work?

    The mind wants us to think it has all the answers and knows what is best for us.
    It’s not true.

    Our SACRAL knows what is best for us, but we weren’t trained to trust our gut, so we learned to override that pure generative sacral response.

    …and with that pure sacral response comes clarity & using all that life force energy we possess as Builders, correctly.

    When we use our energy correctly, we feel deep satisfaction. This is a satisfaction that permeates the body, emotions, and spirit.

    When we use our energy correctly, we feel deep satisfaction. This is a satisfaction that permeates the body, emotions, and spirit.

    When you are satisfied, you attract more people, experiences and possibilities into your life that amplify this feeling and offer even deeper satisfaction.

    I know what this deep satisfaction feels like. And where it used to come and go and I’d get frustrated over and over again, I no longer experience that.

    Satisfaction is like a deep resonant hum in my being now. It feels ecstatic.

    I want you to feel and emanate that satisfaction too. For you. For the ones you love. For ALL of our benefit.


    One of the ways we do this is by learning to master the mind in order to use our energy correctly.

    Now, before we dis the mind too much – it’s not all bad – it’s great for reading maps, doing math, following a recipe, or even working on your website, but it’s not so great at creating – that’s where your sacral comes in.

    By the end of this 12-month energy revolution journey you will know how to trust your decision-making strategy so clearly whether its a simple 1-step process of trusting your gut or the “double-opt-in” method of listening to your sacral then waiting for emotional clarity, that you won’t doubt that process again.

    You’ll know how your shadows and distractions pull you off course and what to do about it so you can keep from being an energy slave and feeling drained at the end of the day vs. satisfactorily tired and complete with activities and interactions of the day.

    Yes, you can create powerful results with ease & joy as a Builder – we are designed to do just that.

    Come, see for yourself… 

      9 Energy Valves.   9+ Ways to Manage Your Energy.

    We all have access to each of these energy valves in our design. Some are turned on all the time, some turn on & off depending on who you are with and/or the planetary transits. Some you’ll feel pressure to use or open when it’s not the right time to do so, while others you may avoid opening because you’re not sure how to in a way that works for YOU! (We’ll cover all of that and more…)

    ALL 9 valves can be sources of energy leaks which directly cause $$$ leaks.



    This one is all about using your sacral power wisely and a little selfishly! This energy valve in your design is your own source of personal power. It’s not for anyone else but you. Poor boundaries can cause you to leak energy here and feel drained vs. revitalized!


    Waiting for the right moment for something new to come to you can feel like a lifetime! You can’t predict when it will come, control the form it takes, or rush the moment. Honoring this energy valve can ensure your creations don’t have ‘trouble at the beginning.’


    When you love what you do and do what you love you have the energy to sustain long hours of creativity to generate great wealth & power. The catch? You can’t just do it for the money, or you’ll see this valve close down and your energy & resources ($$$) dwindle.


    I teach that Co-dependency is energy mismanagement. It’s taking care of everyone else’s needs (before your own) so YOU can feel OK. Learn to nurture yourself as well as others and you’ll have this energy valve flowing at just the right volume & frequency for you and others!(Essential for you working mamas out there…)


    You have a natural ability to create deep connections with others through breaking down barriers to intimacy. Just because you can do that, doesn’t mean this energy valve is meant to bond with everyone! Lack of discernment can lead to confusion, broken agreements, partnership rifts, or lack of material success.


    This energy valve has the gift of laser-like focus on the details to ensure smooth sailing in the creation process. On the flip-side it can also get too bogged down in the details and cause “failure to launch.” Learn how to use this potent energy correctly to discern when more detail is needed – or less detail actually generates more.


    There is internal rhythm that you follow as well as Universal rhythms. This energy valve is all about waiting – not through stopping, but through following your natural internal rituals and routines and working with Universal energy as it follows a logical rhythm as well. Creation actually has a Divine logic to it – learn how to harness that here.


    Life is cyclical and this energy valve is all about completing that which you have started. If you keep doing things you can’t complete because they aren’t aligned with you, it’s hard to start something that truly is aligned for you! Let go of old patterns, complete the cycles that are ready to be done, and you’ll have more potent energy to grow forth & prosper!



    This is the energy valve of “YES!” It’s essential that you commit to the things that are truly aligned with you – then you’ll have the energy to persevere. It’s also about letting go of expectations and attachments to how it will all turn out. You have the potential for experiencing ecstatic transformation – when what you say “yes” to is aligned for you.

    Join Us For
    Personal & Global Transformation  

    Our Virtual Meeting Space

    All content will be available to you in our online portal. Join us live on the training + laser coaching calls or submit your questions so you can get ongoing support, accountability & connection with other Builders! 


    Your Unique Gifts
     & Profit Potential

    Use your energy correctly and share your unique gifts. This is the Genius that can only come through you. You can make more money while you live your purpose and make the greatest contribution you came to make in this lifetime. Deep-dive 1:1 + group coaching into the Profit Potential of your Design are included – you’ll never doubt again why people hire you or what you are selling and how to deliver it in your own unique way!


    Global Satisfaction

    While this is all about you and your energy & satisfaction, it’s ALSO about transforming the frequency of the planet. You doing this work not only benefits you – it benefits every single one of us, including the Earth & everything on it.

    to Support Your Personal Energy Revolution

    Sacral Creation With The Law of Attraction

    We are typically taught to create a vision with our minds and get emotionally tapped into it and stay focused on this creation. But we can get distracted by the mind and all the possibilities! Your sacral knows the way to bring your creation into form, learn to follow it and trust the process and you’ll see it – with ease. 

    (Value $79)

    Magnetic Marketing For Builders

    This short but potent program has a visualization designed to amplify your already magnetic aura to attract even more goodness into your field. It helps you discern what to say yes to – and what is just attracted to your light, but better to leave well enough alone because it’s just a distraction!

    (Value $49)

    Join the Revolution!


    Still not sure if this program is right for you?


     I realize that this is an investment that you may or may not feel 100% confident in yet. 

    If this is you, I urge you to take advantage of booking a one-time coaching call with me to get a first-hand experience of what it is like to work with me. 

    I only want people in here who are called THROUGH THEIR SACRAL RESPONSE to be here!

     It’s a chance for you and I to connect and dig a little deeper into your alignment to help you make the decision that is best for you based on your unique decision-making strategy. If it’s a fit, I’ll credit you the price of the session – if not, you’ll receive powerful coaching on making decisions you can trust – forever.


    Your Questions Answered


    Q: Is this for Express Builders (Manifesting Generators) too?

    A: Yes! This is created for both types of Builders: Classic & Express. 

    Q: Will there be a Facebook Group so I can connect with other Builders?

    A: Yes! In fact, I’m going to teach you how to do ‘sacral coaching’ with one another so you’ll practice (and get accountability) through working with a partner who is learning alongside you.

    Q: I'm an Advisor (Projector) and I live & work with LOTS of Builders. Can I join the group as well to understand my clients & loved ones?

    A: Yes…AND I’ll let you in on a secret: I actually thought about you Advisors (and the other types) while creating this program because while we are focusing on Builders, the thing is: ALL types are impacted when Builders mis-use their sacral energy because Advisors, Innovators, & Evaluators AMPLIFY that energy!

    Also, Advisors are here to GUIDE Builders, so it behooves you to understand exactly what you’re dealing with here and how to manage all that sacral energy you’re amplifying. While the content & discussion is geared towards Builders, you’ll still get a lot out of this especially if you’re a coach/consultant who works with us.

    Q: I'm currently working with a coach/program around marketing & business-building strategy, will this help me?

    A: Absolutely! Here’s the thing, you can have the best strategies in the world, but if your energy is off, they won’t work. In this program you’ll learn some tips & tools for how to get even MORE value from your coach/strategist because you’ll be implementing in alignment with YOUR natural energy & design.

    This program will compliment whatever other programs you’re doing because there is NOTHING else out there like this – or like you – so you’ll be able to choose what works for you, with confidence.

    Frankly, YOU ARE THE STRATEGY, what you’ll learn here will stick with you for life, bother personally & professionally!

    Q: Is this the same information as your Human Design Profit Potential Coaching?

    A: Short answer: YES!

    One of the biggest things I discuss with my Profit Potential Coaching* clients is how to manage their energy. I do deep dives into their bodygraph to get all the details of the profit potential hidden in their unique design.

    *Human Design Profit Potential Coaching is a special certification I have, at this time only 27 people in the world have this training and fewer are certified. Step out of theory and into the practical application of your profit potential and you’ll see the magic unfold…

    Q: I'd love to promote this group to my friends, family and/or clients, do you offer a referral program?

    A: I’m so glad you asked! Yes, I do have an affiliate program in place for this program because my goal (crazy as it may be) is to have 1,000 Builders transform & revolutionize their sacral energy over the next couple years and YOU can help with this revolution! (You can also get your program paid for if you refer enough people.)

    You will receive 10% of the full fee for each person you refer. Refer more folks and you’ve got personal transformation and a nice residual income, while making a difference for the planet and others! That’s a #winning revolution for all!

    Email me if you are interested in becoming a Revolution Referral partner 🙂

    Q: What is your refund policy?

    A: Since I’m only accepting people into this program who are a “Hell YES!” and who have made the decision clearly through their sacral (+ emotional clarity if that’s you) to be here, I’m trusting you’re a good fit right off the bat! If you are not sure, schedule a call with me (the link is below) and let’s get you crystal clear. Once you’re in – it’s time to play and we are gonna revolutionize your world – no refunds are given unless it’s extenuating circumstances or we mutually agree that this is not the place for you.

    If you have any other questions that weren’t addressed here, or if you’d like to know what other options are available for you, then let’s talk!

    Schedule a one-time coaching call with me HERE>

    What others have to say...

    “If you are feeling out of sync in your business or life and don’t know why. If, like me, you’ve taken the marketing and business development classes, done coaching and therapy, and still aren’t taking action or getting the results you deserve from your hard work, book a HD analysis with Kris. She will interpret your unique design in a way that has you exclaiming, “Yes! That’s me!” again and again.”

    ~Janet Kodish, Free Once Again

    What others have to say...

    As I started to understand my design and my sacral authority on a deeper level, it was clear for me to see what was actually out of alignment with me in my business and the things that I was literally designed to do.

    And when I made these small, sometimes even subtle changes in the way that I worked and shared my offerings, I started to notice the shift in the people that I worked with.

    I began attracting the kind of clients that drew out my own brilliance, who got rapid results from working with me, and best of all, were HAPPY to pay me, even when I raised my rates.

    As my self-trust deepened, I have been able to make decisions that are in alignment with me, and this year, I have had my highest income months since I started my business.

    ~Raspreet Sagoo

    What others have to say...

    “If you are thinking of working with Kris I would say “Do it!” She’s got a razor sharp intuition that she delivers with love, compassion, and the occasional dose of butt kicking at the exact right moment.”



    What others have to say...

    “Thank you so much Kris! I am still buzzing with excitement. I have been feeling a massive shift heading my way for about two months and following the breadcrumbs have all led me to you. Talking to you was like having someone pull the sheet off of a mirror, revealing what’s been there all along. I could not have done that on my own and I am so grateful for your help.”

    ~SD, New York

    Master Your Mind.
    Trust Your Gut.

    The Aligned Sacral Mastermind will not only benefit you,
    but everyone around you as well, because as Builders, we are 70% of the population; we energize the world.

    How we use that energy really impacts the planet and everyone on it.

    The problem is that most people don’t know how to use this incredible energy correctly, and so they experience daily frustration.



    Frustration drains your life-force energy and is the result of your pure power being misused.

    It is one of the guideposts that lets us Generators know we are off-track.

    We think frustration is “normal” or somehow “just part of being human” instead of seeing it as a way to calibrate back to a higher vibrational state.

    Frustration is not a cause to judge yourself or others, it’s a cue to let you know you and others are misusing that pure, raw, generative life force power.



    Satisfaction, on the other hand, is the MAGNETIZING AMPLIFIER for Builders.

    It Amps up our already magnetic aura making us master manifestors. #Humandesignhack


    It’s possible to experience MORE & MORE deep satisfaction in your life, work, and relationships.

    That’s what the Aligned Sacral Mastermind is designed to do:

    • Help you master the tricks your mind plays to pull you off track
    • Trust and follow your gut so you can lead yourself
    • Magnify your potent creative energy
    • Follow your own truth so you can experience – and emanate – deep satisfaction.

              … All through managing your sacral energy valves and the undefined parts of your design!



    Still not sure if this program is right for you? 

    You read this far, so SOMETHING is calling you – it might be your sacral, could be fear of missing out. 😉

    Let’s find out, shall we?

    This is NOT a high pressured sales pitch. This is a chance for you and I to connect and dig a little deeper into your alignment to help you make the decision that is best for you based on YOUR DESIGN & intentions. I will coach you to make a decision that you can trust, that’s aligned for you, and that you feel awesome about!