The Cost of Keeping Quiet
A few days ago I went to a local nail salon to treat myself to a mani & pedi. It was a soggy day (the first day of spring!), and I hadn't treated myself to something like this in a very long time--I was way over due, like I'm sure many of you are as well....
Are you dying of fear?
I work with a lot of amazing people. Truly, I am inspired by the men and women I get to serve, and I am struck every time I talk with them how this theme keeps coming up. I suspect it comes up for others as well, so I thought I'd throw it out there. Last week...
Sales is sleazy…or is it?
Sales vs Soliciting vs Marketing: I wrote the article “The Silent Killers of Business: Are They in Yours?” on Biznik last November (it's also a blog post here) and a businesswoman commented on the article and asked me a great question about soliciting and...
2012: Your Year to Choose
Energetically speaking we are in for a wild ride this year. In case you’ve been hibernating since late 2011, your ticket has already been collected and you are on the tracks—like it or not! The question is: Are you strapped in and ready? We are in a time of great...
Shine Your Light
I love twinkle lights. It’s really one of my favorite parts of the holidays. It’s fitting that during the darkest days of the year we have so many brilliant lights shining all around us. Something struck me this year about holiday lights. I grew up in Ohio and went...
The Silent Killers of Business–Are They in Yours?
Every business has them, silent killers that destroy our intentions, goals and dreams of success. What are these killers and where do they come from? More importantly, how do we transform them into productive upstanding citizens? Have you guessed it yet? I won’t drag...
Are You A POB?
It's Veterans Day here in the States, and to be honest until very recently I hadn't thought much about what that meant. It wasn't until seeing my son's 2nd grade assembly yesterday in celebration of all that Veterans and soldiers who are currently serving have given...
Sorry, We’re Open…
While traveling in Oregon last spring we came across a coffee shop that had this neon sign lit in the window. And yes, it was during business hours. My husband and I thought it was amusing and took a photo. Then it hit me: many folks in business are giving exactly...
Out of the mouths of babes…
I was sitting with my kids at the PCC the other night eating dinner and a woman walked by with her baby on her hip. My youngest (Anja, 3yo) said: “Look Mama, she has a baby! She has a baby with her…isn’t the baby cute?” To which my son (Eli, 7yo) chimed in: “She...
Freedom Fighter
Last night, Dewey Bozella, a man wrongly accused of murder some 30 years ago won the Arthur Ashe award on the ESPY's. While I didn't see his acceptance speech, my husband shared it with me-and I just watched the video about him and his life (see it here on YouTube)....